Five ways to be more eco friendly in the kitchen

We have recently seen an ongoing conversation and focus to becoming more eco-friendly as a society. So whether you are a home owner or a tenant, there are simple ways in which you can change your lifestyle that combined in a mass effort can have a great impact on ocean plastics, water pollution and other environmental issues that impact on the planet.

We have put together five tips to become more environmentally friendly in your kitchen that are (mostly) easy to adopt with the extra benefit of saving money on energy bills and reducing waste too!

  1. Swap your old kettle for an eco friendly one

You might be surprised, but your old kettle uses a lot of electricity to heat up! So much so, that the energy networks register a considerable spike in energy consumption when an ad break starts during the nation’s favourite TV programs.

So by making an upgrade you will save energy and be more considerate to the environment. And why stop at the kettle? If you are looking into replacing other white goods, look into their features and buy the more environmentally friendly ones that will also save you money on energy bills.

  1. Don’t open the oven door while baking

Ovens loose a staggering amount of heat when you open the door to check on the food and as a consequence they will use more energy to heat back to the right temperature. So try to keep the door closed for the duration and save energy!

  1. Switch to eco friendly cleaning products

The biggest problem with harsh chemicals is that they usually end up in the water supply making the water more difficult to recycle; on the other hand, you will probably have a less toxic household, friendly to yourself, your children and pets. With simple swaps – like using baking soda, vinegar or even leftover lemons to clean, you will have a safer and more eco friendly kitchen.

  1. Ditch the disposable plastic

There has been a huge conversation in recent months around all the unnecessary plastic we use around our kitchens – from plastic wrapping to disposable straws. Sometimes a change of lifestyle is hard, but don’t give up, start small and over time your habits will change, as long as you have a determined focus on becoming more environmentally friendly. Luckily, there are more and more options now that will help you avoid excessive use of plastic, from paper or pasta straws to edible cutlery and more.

  1. Compost

By making your own compost, you can also branch into small gardening projects – like growing your own herb garden on your window sill. As a society we still waste massive amounts of food – food being one of the main materials sent to landfills, so by recycling and reusing any waste you become more environmentally friendly and save money in the long run.

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